Togo is a French-speaking country, located on the south coast of West Africa with a population of 7.8 million people. Though the poverty levels in Togo have been decreasing in recent years, 58 percent of the population are still reported to be living in poverty. Malnutrition rates vary around the country, being as low as 5 percent in developed cities and as high as 43 percent in the worst regions (source: The Borgen Project). While desired, education is not a priority in Togo. Only about 60 percent of teenagers are literate, and only about 41 percent are enrolled in a school (source: Compassion International).
Togo’s passion for soccer is intense, allowing Vapor Ministries to utilize a sport to introduce people to the gospel and make disciples. One of Vapor Ministries’ main focus is to educate the children who participate in the leagues on disease-prevention training, basic medical assistance, and other forms of humanitarian aid. The poorest children at the centers receive their education and support through Hasmin’s Friends, Vapor Ministries' child sponsorship program. If you are a sponsor of a Hasmin's Friend in Togo, you will have the opportunity to meet your sponsored child during your trip.