Give a Child the Opportunity
to Escape Poverty
Your sponsorship provides a quality education for a child in extreme poverty. Your monthly gift covers all aspects of schooling including tuition, uniforms, supplies, and testing fees. ​
Your sponsorship also provides supplemental food ensuring that your child has access to at least one solid meal a day. On their behalf, thank you for making this a reality.
For less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee, you can help a child who is barely surviving the effects of abject poverty. These are children who are known and cared for by our indigenous staff at each center. They get to know the children, share the Gospel with them, and disciple them as they grow in their faith. All the while, the staff is noticing and caring for the most basic needs of the child.
Child Sponsorship - $62 per month or $744 per year provides:
Quality education – including tuition, books supplies & school uniforms
Supplemental food
Basic medical assessments & treatments (when necessary)
Evangelism & life-on-life discipleship through our sports leagues
Hasmin's Friends Scholarship - $95 per month or $1,140 per year provides tuition for a student to attend a post-secondary school ​where they will learn a valuable trade.
When you choose to sponsor a child, you will receive a biography with a photo and some basic information about his or her life. You will also have the opportunity to exchange correspondence two times a year, along with an annual update on the anniversary of your initial sponsorship. Most of all, you will receive the blessing of providing hope and sustainable life change for “one of the least of these.”
Vapor Ministries is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 entity, so every donation is tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by the law.